Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Entire Cosmology Explained- TRIMURTHI

I personally believe that the more one explores the universe, the more obvious it gets to discover the current principles of BRAHMA, SHIVA and VISHNU at work.

The ancient rishis and their study of Vedic astrology clearly were the founders of modern day astronomy. As observers of the truth, which is what the Vedas are a compilation of, they observed celestial bodies, their movements and the effects on the human psyche. Introducing truths about the nature of the universe that are only beginning to be re-discovered today by “cutting edge” minds and the most brilliant of scientist using the latest equipment.

The rishis where able to achieve this with only the power of the mind and awareness of the true essence of consciousness, no equipment was required! While the rishi’s of Vedic times used terms such as Agni, Indra, and Soma as important deities, it was understood that over time different terms and names would be used by humanity. For the purpose of clarity I will be using use the terms Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. They will more clearly illustrate the concepts of what I’m about to say.

The rishis tell us of the galactic center of the universe, which feeds energy to all the galaxies and solar systems of the universe. A modern discovery is beginning to reinforce this belief. To explore this, three centers must be identified,

1) The center of a solar system (Sun)

2) The center of a galaxy

3) The galactic center of the universe.

Our focus here will be on the first two centers. In exploring these two centers we will discover the current Hindu principles of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu at work. Those these same principles can be explored using the galactic center of the universe also.

Before beginning it is important to understand what the theory of a blackhole is. While this is a vast and complex subject, I will try and provide a brief introduction. A blackhole is a star that has consumed so much of its energy that it no longer is able to release that energy and becomes overwhelmed by its own gravitational forces. In essence collapsing in on itself. This collapse actually creates a tear or warp in the fabric of the universe. This warp is theorized to bend time and space, it is a place where the laws of physics possibly don’t exist as we know them. Space and time become infinite.

It all began with the search for blackholes in the universe. Originally there was only a theory about the existence of blackholes, but over time using radio telescopes scientist began to receive glimpses of blackholes but only while they were “feeding” or consuming matter. It is during this “feeding” time that particles are expelled through the polar points of a blackhole, allowing it to be seen with radio telescopes. Over time a blackhole was discovered in the center of a galaxy. The question arose “could there be more blackholes at the center of a few galaxies?” After watching matter and objects “warble” while circling the center of galaxies, it was discovered that most if not all galaxies have a blackhole at their center. This was a revolutionary discovery since blackholes are viewed primarily as destructive devises. This clearly is one of the many aspects of SHIVA (the destroyer), but functioning on the scale of a galaxy.

The next question for the scientist was “why do blackholes appear to turn on and off with their “feeding”?” With their tremendous gravitational pull blackholes should consume an entire galaxy over time. The discovery was quite exciting. It was discovered that “winds” or energy being released at the poles of the blackhole actually pushes against the matter of the galaxy, which is being pulled by the gravity of the blackhole. Once the wind from the blackhole equals the pull of the gravitational field from the blackhole equilibrium is obtained and the blackhole stops “feeding”. This balance or preservation principle is a manifestation of VISHNU (the preserver).

If this balance is disturbed the Vishnu principle stops and the destructive principle of Shiva begins until equilibrium is obtained again. The energy being ejected from the blackhole becomes the basis for creation within the galaxy (BRAHMA-the creator).

This process can even be observed in the actual blackhole itself. When the blackhole is not “feeding” equilibrium exists and the Vishnu principle dominates. Though the Brahma and Shiva principles are still in existence, I will explore this in just a moment. If equilibrium is lost then the Shiva principle of destruction activates through the blackhole beginning to “feed” again.

This feeding causes the expulsion of molecules and initiates the creation principle again. We can even go so far as to see that this process of is occurring on the molecular level of the blackhole itself. Steven Hawking proved mathematically that it is possible for the blackhole, even with its tremendous gravity, to slowly lose a molecule at a time. So over time a blackhole will eventually cease to exist due to the loss of molecules. Once again the loss of molecules (Shiva-the destruction of the blackhole), will eventually lead to more creation (Brahma-through the molecules being some of the building blocks of matter—escaping the infinite time/space, and generating finite time/space matter), and all of this occurs even during the period that the blackhole is “not active” or feeding; what we would call balance or the Vishnu principle.

We can see the trinity (Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu) manifest even in the physics and quantam physics formulas for calculating the event horizon of blackholes. Which is the only current way known to estimate the size of a blackhole. The event horizon is the point in which light can no longer escape from the gravitational pull of a blackhole.

The mathematical formula is GM/c2 where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole and C is the speed of light. In this formula G can be viewed as Vishnu, Brahma would be the factor M, and Shiva would be C. It should be noted that depending on how one were to look at it the roles of Shiva and Brahma could be reversed i.e. Shiva=M and Brahma=C.

A similar process exists on the solar system level also. Equilibrium is obtained between the Sun and planets (Vishnu), eventually the Sun will go super nova and destroy this solar system (Shiva), only to begin the long process of creation again (Brahma). Even within the balance of the solar system (Vishnu), Brahma can still be seen at work through the solar winds and magnetic waves from the sun that are channeled to the poles and stimulate the inner core of the earth giving physical manifestation to Agni on the earthly plane.

The greatest gift the Rishis left for us is a reminder of the power of mind and an understanding of consciousness. With these two, we each are reminded that we truly are a limitless, boundless, being. Overtime scientist will re-discover the Vedic truth, that all the universe is fed from the galatic center. This will open the door for the realization that man exists within a huge field of gravitational and magnetic impulses. These flows are reflected by the planets (grahas). It will be realized that mankind has actually had the ability to read these fields from at least 6000 BCE.

It is important to note that Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu are much more than just forces within blackholes, or the galaxy. But being terms for the divine truth, they must have their representation in all things. We must learn to see the trinity of divine principles (Gods) manifest in all aspects of life and creation. To see and understand this was the ability of our ancient ancestors, and it is each of ours birthright….

In my coming updates, I will discuss more about what it means about Multiverse, and how it differs from the term we are all very clear of, the UNIVERSE!!!

SANSKRIT- an alien language brought to this world by sages!!!

Sanskrit was introduced on earth by the eternal sages of vedic era. There has never been any kind, class or nature of change in the science of Sanskrit grammar as seen in other languages of the world as they passed through one stage to another. This is known history!!

In other words sanskrit is an alien language that was brought to earth by those aliens (ancient Indians including sages) who came to earth from their mother planet. The sages of vedic era (Called Rishis in sanskrit) were the researchers and scientists of those days. They had different levels like Junior Scientist, Senior Scientist etc who were called Rishis, Maharshis and Brahmarshis, Brahmarshis being the senior most of them. It was taught on planet earth by the ancient Indian sages (scientitsts) whose fore fathers were from some alien planet…

I’ve chosen some of these words in Sanskrit that describes cosmology in simple single words…

Please get ready to be amazed….

The mother/origin of divine powers. In terms of cosmology, it symbolizes joint impact 3 fundamental elements of cosmic creation




Indicates the stimulated, active, collective state of mitra, varuna and aryama. Accounts for the manifested dynamic state of Nature and hence is also named as maya. The illusion of seeing the unique eternal sat in varieties of ever changing forms and actions in the world.

The activity of fundamental particles does not result in any creation on its own. Its existence and functions are subject to the God’s will.

It represents the fundamental radiations (energy waves) generated by the evolutionary impulse in Apah that lead to Vajrah

Symbolizes the grand collision of masses (momentum).

HIRANYA GARBHA: [My Personal favourite]
Represents the infinite explosions.

It represents the golden womb/ golden egg, is the source of the creation of the universe.

In the RIGVEDA it is said that hiranyagarbha floated around in water in emptiness and the darkness of the non-existence for about a year and then broke into 2 halves which formed the SWARGA and PRITHVI, and most likely other parts of the universe. It is believed that Brahma was born from Hiranyagarbha.

Symbolizes the charge-less particles emitted from what is left in the fundamental mass beyond mitra/varuna. It is NEUTRON in the language of physics.

The state if transition from equilibrium to non-equilibrium of sat, raj and tam gunas.

Marks the infinite absorption of all creation, absolute destruction of the universe.

Represents the cosmic radiant energy. Its physically manifested form is what generates solar, lunar and other kinds of lights and energy radiations from different planets, stars and other huge balls of activated mass.

Fundamental particles of opposite charges that constitutes the atoms of any mass. VARUNA is positively charged PROTONS. MITRA the opposite, negatively charges ELECTRONS. VEDIC HYMNS: mitra surrounds all nuclei of existence and together with varuna (in the nucleus) generates the beauty and perfection of structure.

Represents the enrgy/radiations that pervade in a mass apart from PROTONS, NEUTRONS and ELECTRONS.

The colossal momentum generated by the energy explosion of the Big Bang. If gives rise to the expansion of initial mass.

Represents the ensemble force of all energies of nature. All the energies of the nature. All the dynamic physical energies, devouring, enjoying, purifying, preparing, assimilating, forming become possible through its force. It is the will in vital spiritual energy (prana) and the dynamic force of bioenergy.

साधोः प्रकोपितस्यापि मनो नायाति विक्रियाम्।
न हि तापयितुं शक्यं सागरांभस्तृणोल्कया॥
Even when instigated by others,
the mind of a pious person never hesitates (to take the right decision).
It is not possible to heat the water of ocean by a torch of dried grass.