Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Battle from epics!!!

The Ramayana, Mahabarata and other texts speak of the hideous war that took place, some ten or twelve thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama using weapons of destruction that could not be imagined by readers until the second half of this century.

The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas, goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the war: "...(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor... An iron thunderbolt,

A gigantic messenger of death,

Which reduced to ashes

The entire race of the Vrishnis

And the Andhakas.

. . . the corpses were so burned

As to be unrecognizable.

The hair and nails fell out;

Pottery broke without apparent cause,

And the birds turned white.

... After a few hours

All foodstuffs were infected...

... to escape from this fire

The soldiers threw themselves in streams

To wash themselves and their equipment..."

It would seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! References like this one are not isolated; but battles, using a fantastic array of weapons and aerial vehicles are common in all the epic Indian books.

When the Rishi City of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archeologists in the last century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding hands, as if some great doom had suddenly overtaken them.
These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. think about it now....

Anti-Gravity Ancient Flying machines..

These images were found on the ceiling beams of a 3000-year old New Kingdom Temple, located several hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau, at Abydos.

From this images we see many craft that resemble modern day flying machines..

It is interesting to note, that the Nazis developed the first practical pulse-jet engines for their V-8 rocket "buzz bombs." Hitler and the Nazi staff were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 30's, in order to gather evidence that they did so, and perhaps it was from these people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information! I don't know....But I do believe....Then why did the Germans lost??? I've got answers for that too....Will update on that when I have the time!!!

Why I believe in Hollow Earth Theory...

This is gona be cool man...Just lend me your attention for few minutes..I'll take u sumwer far far away from this world...I'm not Dan Brown to decipher codes, but I can interpret a little of what it actually means by hollow stay tune with me....and lets rock...

You see, all planets prior to their formation are part of their parent stars, like the nine planets of our solar system..this is no big deal rite??After parting from the Sun, it took millions of years for our Earth to cool and become solid..(This is a proven fact)

The Earth is hollow inside, with a tiny white-dwarf 'sun' at its centre (this was also proven by Einstein-The hollow earth theory + quantum mechanics) Most of the other planets in this universe are hollow inside. And most of the planets are inhabited too, because the basic purpose of planets is to support life-as that of stars is to suppport planets.(This makes sense rite?) On a planet, both the outside surface and the inside surface, or any one of them, could be suitable for life.

Our Mother Earth supports life in both these surface-infact the inside world which is often refered as Pataal Loka is more suitable for life as is protected from outside natural calamities.

This is so strue, as its only noted in books that out earth is subdivided into 4/5 layers, but there is no prove in it rite...Its a known fact we are not alone in this universe...common don't defent urselves too much...the truth is out there...but why cant we see any civilizations on any of our neighbouring planets? But why is there some kind of track that, there might be life in them but not on them??water sipping from deep cannels found in Mars...River flowing deep below which makes the soil above damp from one of the moons of saturn...

What actually happened during the initial moments of creation??The Big Bang cosmology gives a very dramatic account of the first few moments...but later comes the The steady State theory which says the universe is never born???

So what happens next??

I Believe in What I do....

This few days, have been great...cause I've taken a small break from my project actually...
So I was wondering, what could I possibly indulge into to avoid being bored...The first thing that crossed my mind was 'reading'...Yeah I could do some pretty good reading during this time...

Ok before I start...I would like to warn..It can be pretty weird from now on...Just bare with me, and enjoy the ride...Don't hate the PLAYER hate the GAME!!

I'm a total skeptical believer, and my passion towards controversies and mysteries have been growing over the years...I believe in things, many of us in the right mind will not give a damn about.

Let me list out of some of the topics that's able to glue me up to my seat for hours:
1) UFO
2) If I believe in UFO>then aliens are not too far from it, right?
3) Ancient astronauts
4) Atlantis
5) Ancient vimanas
6) Shambhala
7) The Agartha theory (Hollow earth)
8) Roswell incident
9) Astrology-man I'm so into it...
10) Astronomy
11) Planet x-The llth planet-Planet Niburia
12) Zecahria Sitchin works-It will continue to fascinate me...
13) The study of Yajna
14) Evolution and Devolution
15) Nazi links with the hollow earth
16) Einstein and ancient India
17) Dan Brown-latest catch
18) The elite group of DaVinci
19) Secret Society of 9 men-ASHOKA
20) Hindhuism
21) Life after death
22) Incarnation
23) Junk DNA
24) Pyramids
25) Ancient science mysteries..................

These are some of the topics that can turn me on.....

Despite all the greed, hatred and chase over materials, many of us are feeling a need for inner quest: The very basic questions would be; What are we here for? Why so much misery and pain in life? Can we rise above this and make our lives more meaningful.....and what happens after this???
Just lets take a simple example: Say so, someone u don't know, a stranger in disguise gives you $1000 and dissapears. Would you jus take it as what it is..and go on spending until the $1000 finishes or would you ponder, atleast for a minute..What's this $1000 for? What happens once I finish using up this $1000? Whose this person who gave me the money?

You see....Just try replacing the $1000 with the life we have now...Someone gave it to us..and we are spending just like everyone elses do...So what makes us diff frm others??

Every man dies, not every man really lives....

I don't want to live a life that really doesnt have any meaning to it...I would love to unlock the secrets of life...Mysteries are not that bad after all....

The knowledge of God is eternal, and is present everywhere around us in energy form. So are the past and prospective futures. Without spiritual development, KNOWLEDGE and SCIENCE always decay. SCIENTIFIC remains of ANCIENT, advanced civilisations of present may still be present and could be discovered by evolved and dedicated groups of people!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Moving ahead with no direction...

Man, I feel so lost actually...I wonder if I will ever be able to seek for answers for even half of the questions running in my mind now...

Lets just list out some of it:
1) My masters: completing my degree was never a problem at all, infact I would be happier if there was another Semester to go...Now that I've commited myself in what I call a mega project...for my masters..the title itself isn't so frightening after all, but the responsbilities that tags along with it, its simply so damn huge to bare...the total cot of this project is approximately RM 1 million...yeah, it is...for any millionares out there..dun laugh at me looking at such a small amount for your'll..think about jus 23..barely earned above rm15oo throughout my entire life..suddenly out of nowhere comes a duty to complete a project without flaws for a mllion dollars..the University and the Goverment whose gona sponsor me for this project, will definitely want to see results out of this one will ever compromise with me or even console me if anything goes wrong in the mid of this project...who will ever, come to see..

Man..I'm so so lost..but one thing that keeps me going on, is my determination maybe, the fire to succeed...I'm gona give all it takes to complete it...It's not gona be blur all the while..I'm gona find for solutions...thats for sure...

Im done for today..dont wan to think of problems anymore...